Located on S. Broadway, between Bank and Gough streets.
Model created by Maggie Cerveny

Baltimore definitely has a shortage of high quality street food, in comparison with similar and larger sized cities. But in Fells Point, you can find better than average fare at the taco truck that parks on S. Broadway between Bank and Gough. It is parked in roughly the same location 7 days a week, rain or shine, and offers a few items other than the four tacos on the menu. Some days, they run out of certain tacos, as the truck can only hold so many ingredients. If they have the costillo or lengua, keep standing in line. Try a neon-colored Jurrito or Boingo bottled juice to go with your tacos. There is no obvious place to sit and eat tacos near the truck, but Broadway Square has plenty of benches and a view of the water – just walk a few blocks to the end of S. Broadway to find your seat in the sun.

The truck’s best seller is its lengua (tongue) taco, and for most of their customers who crave the flavors of home, it is a sure winner. Because of its popularity, we will tell you that lengua is the best bet, but to be frank, we’ve preferred the tongue at other city establishments (which you can read about on this site). We’d like to steer you toward the costilla taco instead. This is a beef taco which contains steamed and gently shredded beef served in its juices and double wrapped in soft corn tortillas. Diced raw onion, cilantro, sliced jalapenos and picquante sauce come with the taco if you order it “with everything”. The taco is also served with a wedge of fresh lime to squeeze over your taco fillings.

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